About Manuel

Dr. Manuel Casanova made his residency training in neurology and then spent 3 years doing a fellowship in neuropathology at The Johns Hopkins Hospital. During his stay at the Johns Hopkins Hospital, Dr. Casanova was in-charge of Pediatric Neuropathology, a fact which kindled his interest in developmental disorders of the brain. His clinical experience was enhanced by appointments as either a consultant or staff neuropathologist at Sinai Hospital (Maryland), the North Charles Hospital and the D.C. General Hospital. He spent several years as Deputy Medical Examiner for Washington, D.C., where he gained valuable experience in the post-mortem examination of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and child abuse. His expertise in the field was recognized by honorary appointments as a Scientific Expert for the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP) and as a Professorial Lecturer for the Department of Forensic Science at George Washington University. Dr. Casanova spent 8 years helping to establish 2 of the most successful brain banks in this country: The Johns Hopkins Brain Resource Center (3 years) and the Brain Bank Unit of the Clinical Brains Disorders Branch at the National Institutes of Mental Health (5 years). Dr. Casanova did training in psychiatry at the National Institutes of Mental Health under the tutelage of Drs. Richard Wyatt, Danny Weinberger, and Joel Kleinman. He retired as a Major in the US Army Reserves and later on as a Lt. Commander in the Public Health Service. He joined the Medical College of Georgia as a full Professor in 1991 and came to the University of Louisville in 2003 as the Gottfried and Gisela Kolb Endowed Chair in Psychiatry.

64 Respuestas a “About Manuel

  1. Hello Dr. Casanova, I just read through your assessment of spine?brain irregularities. As the author of «Recovering Autism, ADHD, & Special Needs,» I would like you to consider that ALL Autism (Minus some Asperger’s) symptoms are Physical, not mental or psychiatric. Half the book goes over remedies, tools and options to get these children out of Physical Pain which will stop or reduce the unusual behaviors. http://www.amazon.com/Recovering-Autism-ADHD-Special-Needs/dp/0988853108/ref=sr_1_1_title_1_pap?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1381146175&sr=1-1&keywords=recovering+autism+adhd+%26+special+needs

    I can be reached at stzorfas@gmail.com.
    I appreciate your finding. Thanks, Shelley

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    • Thank you for the comment. I certainly agree with your opinion and consider autism a brain disorder. I am hoping for my latest article to appear in print. In the same we described multiple foci of malformed cerebral cortex. We believe the same are due to defects of neuronal migration.

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  2. Pingback: Rubella, the MMR Vaccination, and Autism | 'Enjoying the Hi-5s of Autism'·

  3. Estimado Doctor:
    No soy doctor ni tampoco entiendo mucho sobre el tema biológico, sin embargo soy una persona creativa y muy curioso por entender ciertos fenómenos, al menos para mi.
    Tengo un hijo diagnosticado como asperguer. He leído acerca de la influencia de los metales en este tipo de conducta y ya que usted está en la punta de la investigación me gustaría compartir esta apreciación que a lo mejor puede despejar algunas dudas o estimular una perspectiva dentro de sus investigaciones.
    Me refiero a que estas personas tienen respuestas tardías respecto de los tiempos que nosotros esperamos como respuesta, muchas veces sus actos corresponden a códigos propios que ellos van desencadenando y aplicando a cada problemática y pensando .. me atrevo a decir que esto es lo más parecido a escuchar un vinio en otra velocidad, es decir, siento que ellos requieren de un transformador que altere la frecuencia de los datos de información que procesan. Entiendo que en las dendritas se produce comunicación la cual transfiere código electroquímicos los cuales después se transforman en códigos con simbologias comprensibles.
    Si se pudiera manejar, electrónicamente o magnéticamente esa comunicación a lo mejor se podría encontrar un lenguaje para traducir y poder comunicarse con ellos…
    Disculpe si esto fue una molestia, pero es algo que me da vuelta hace muchos años y necesitaba entregar esta información.

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    • Estimado Enrique,

      Gracias por enviar tu comentario. Yo tengo un nietecito con autismo. La observacion de que ellos tienen un tiempo de respuesta aumentado es uno que ha sido corroborado en el laboratorio. Este y otros deficits creo que se derivan de un problema de como la corteza cerebral se ha formado. He escrito varios blogs en este respecto. Tambien he escrito acerca del uso beneficioso de la estimulacion transcraneal magnetica. En este sentido pensamos en acuerdo.

      Gracias de nuevo por el comentario,


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  4. Hoy tengo 52 años,hace 32 sufri un TEC fronto-temporal(lado derecho) muy grave,estuve en insconciencia total casi 20 dias en un coma agudo,desperte casi amnesico y con todo lado derecho paralizado despues de un tiempo me restableci pero con una altisima inteligencia ,elevada percepcion extrasensorial y otras cualidades mentales pero con problemas para interrelacionarme con mis congeneres principalmente por observarlos con muy bajo intelecto para mi.Despues de mi TEC siempre escribi textos premonitorios (que despues se cumplen al pie de la letra) pero es el caso que desde hace tal vez 10 años aparecieron en mi algunas tremendas facultades paranormales como telepatia,telequinesia,captacion energetica,premoniciones etc. y esto se incrementa dia a dia.Mi propio psiquiatra dice que el ya no puede ayudarme pues lo que tengo es inexplicable con nuestra psiquiatria convencional y que tengo que emplear estos dones solo para el bien.
    En varias oportunidades he proyectado mala energia a alguien y le he provocado graves daños.
    ¿Tal vez usted pueda ayudarme?

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    • En realidad es dificil tratar de lejos a un paciente. En este sentido si todavia piensas que necesitas ayuda deberias de conseguir una segunda opinion a nivel local.
      Actualmente me encuentro en camino a Burgos y no voy a poder contestar mi correspondencia rapidamente.

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  5. What about Lyme and other infections? I’ve noticed behavior changes not only on my child after infections..what about PANDAS? My son developed regressive autism, we did not know he was immune compromised and that lyme was an issue in the family. Treating the lyme and chasing the infections has shown the best response, even time response to auditory stimuli. We are in rehabilitation process now, because after 7 years of illness the poor boy brain structure has changed/developed so differently. Extremely smart in Math, but still severely speech /social delayed.

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    • There is mounting evidence that the immune system may be involved in autism. We are doing work primarily from the genetic and postmortem perspective on this issue. I may be able to expand on this in a future blog. Thank you for your comment.

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  6. Hola soy florencia de Montevideo uruguay, mi hijo tiene 10 años tea severo y quiero saber si la est mag transcr lo puede ayudar,venden en México un equipo doméstico a 2500 dólares pero necesito saber si puede ser útil. gracias saludos

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    • Tan solo hay unas cuatro companias que hacen el equipo y el mismo es bastante caro. Lo mas barato esta en los $20,000 dolares. Tambien se requiere adiestramiento para poder aplicar el mismo. No aconsejaria a nadie comparar su propio equipo para utilizarlo en la casa.

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  7. Dr Casanova, I am interested to see you have experience in offering professional opinion on child abuse. Are you aware of the tide of false accusations against innocent parents of children with conditions such as autism and Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, ME/CFS? Please see my blog post about this: http://planetautismblog.wordpress.com/2014/10/03/the-injustice-of-state-abuse/ There are many pressure groups and organisations being set up by people who have either suffered this travesty or are advocating for those who have. Please see Professor Vivienne Cree’s series on «moral panics». Families are being destroyed through the ignorance, lies, assumptions and pride of professionals. You might be interested in this video by a pediatrician supporting families where the parents are falsely accused: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcRZo1vO53c As a doctor, you are in a privileged position, your opinion will automatically be believed by other professionals and courts. The onus is on doctors to get it right, to investigate all possible options, to not take the word of the paymaster (social services et al) purely because they are paying for the opinion and to ensure a completely balanced opinion is given. The very harm some of these professionals are causing by their actions is ironically what they have falsely accused parents of. Damage is being done to your profession by those who get it wrong in this way.

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    • Thank you for the information. I have experience testifying in court, although last time I did so was many many years ago. I have a special interest in these cases both from a professional ahd a personal standpoint. My grandson is autistic.
      I think the accusations come and go as tides. The last wave before this one, was in regards to facilitated communication and parental abuse. As more often than not the accusations were proven to be unfounded. Sorry state that of medical profession.

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  8. Hola. He posteado anteriormente un par de comentarios en su blog, lo encuentro muy interesante. Tengo algunas inquietudes y observaciones personales acerca de défict de atención, bipolaridad, asperger, etc.. Yo intuyo que están relacionados con la propiocepción.. Me he construido un concepto personal de la propiocepción, sobre todo propiocepción inconsciente, porq no encuentro mucha información al respecto.. No sé si tendrá interés en que le haga llegar algunas de estas ideas..

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  9. 親愛的Dr. Manuel Casanova:

    我考慮寫這封信給您已經長達三年,我住在台灣。我認為應該把我所經歷的事情傳達給您,印證您對於「胎兒產前超音波氾濫和自閉症盛行之間存在關連性」(Ultrasound Exposure and Autism: Dr. Manuel F. Casanova, M.D., Cautions Against the Overuse of Ultrasounds



    我在2010年在PubMed網站上查到您發表的這篇論文「Potential teratogenic effects of ultrasound on corticogenesis: Implications for autism」(http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20149552),啟發我開始了解國際醫界對胎兒超音波對胎兒大腦發育不利影響的探討,這方面的討論在台灣,完全沒有被揭露。後來我向台灣最高衛生單位陳情,抗議當局並未向孕婦警示超音波的不利影響,也沒有約束醫師禁止施行沒有醫療必要和益處的「娛樂4D超音波」,同時,我決定以訴訟途徑向超音波代理商以及日本東芝製造商抗議,起訴他們對我施行毫無醫療必須的長時間商業展示檢查,造成我兒子的大腦在子宮內即受到損傷。


    在訴訟中,日本東芝超音波設備的台灣地區代理商,甚至製造廠律師不斷向法官說謊、辯解,主張超音波機器輸出功率極低、螢幕上不用顯示警示超音波生物效應的機械指數MI、溫度指數TI值(後來被原廠的使用手冊內容推翻,該超音波機器是Track 3機器),甚至主張超音波檢查時間長短,對胎兒組織不會有特別不良影響等等,讓我更加相信,製造廠對客戶的超音波安全教育完全失敗!很顯然,日本東芝超音波製造商並沒有依美國FDA的超音波及探頭製造指導規範「Guidance for Industry and FDA Staff – Information for Manufacturers Seeking Marketing Clearance of Diagnostic Ultrasound Systems and Transducers」中的規定要求,去對臨床最終使用者負起教育的責任「3.4 TRACK 3 – EDUCATION PROGRAM FOR THE CLINICAL END USER.」(http://www.fda.gov/RegulatoryInformation/Guidances/ucm070856.htm)。


    我上週在Dr. Manuel Casanova您的部落格中,看見一本在2015.4.30.新出版的新書簡介,是有關在中國做的胎兒子宮內超音波曝露的人體試驗結果「50 Human Studies, in Utero, Conducted in Modern China, Indicate Extreme Risk for Prenatal Ultrasound: A New Bibliography」(http://www.amazon.com/Studies-Conducted-Indicate-Prenatal-Ultrasound-ebook/dp/B00X06QDYS/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8),讓我十分震驚!包括:「These provide empirical evidence of ultrasound hazards to humans. The analytic techniques are sophisticated, far exceeding Western studies.」、「Their conclusions are stunning, with recommendations that ultrasound sessions should be completely avoided «for a quality pregnancy». Only if there are specific medical indications should ultrasound be recommended, and at minimum intensity settings. A session should last no more than 3 minutes, 5 minutes at most. Multiple sessions should be avoided.」、「These guidelines reflect and confirm the U.S. National Institute of Health «Consensus Statement», published in 1984.」

    親愛的Dr. Manuel Casanova,我不知道該說什麼才好?我禱告問上帝,何時,產科醫界才能謙卑下來,停止繼續用超音波,傷害我們的下一代呢?我唯一能確信的,是你、我、每個在這個議題上付出心力的人的努力,絕不會白費。

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  10. I haven’t read the above link yet, but the first thing that glared out at me from the English text, is that older mothers (who are apparently at higher risk of having babies with autism) are offered more ultrasounds because of their risk. I wonder whether the ultrasounds are the thing making the risk higher in older mothers in the first place!

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    • It is interesting that risk factors for autism including older mothers, threatened abortion, prematurity, multiparity and others all share the commonality of an increased number of ultrasounds.

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  11. Hi Dr. Casanova, I just in case you didn’t see this in the newsletter from Spectrum, there is some evidence that cannabidiol may be therapeutic for Dravert Syndrome. I thought this would peak your interest and is a good topic for a future blog discussing the difference between cannabidiol, and the more «intoxicating» cannabinoids like THC. As well as the potential risks for individuals on the spectrum. https://spectrumnews.org/news/marijuana-ingredient-sparks-social-behavior-epilepsy-model/
    I have very mixed feelings about cannabis, especially in ASDs. My nephew who was diagnosed with PDD-NOS in the 1990s developed prodromic schizophrenia, after smoking pot. He had few friends growing up, and one of them went off to college. He went to hang out with this friend over the weekend and they smoked a lot of cannabis. He came home different. He suddenly started experiencing schizophrenia symptoms after that weekend. It was like a light switch for him. It made him strangely aware of his autism in a way he had never vocalized before. He started expressing feelings such as his frustration about not being understand the feelings of others or how to talk to people, but it also brought on hearing voices in his head and delusions of grandeur. He was in that adolescent period of greatest risk for potential harmful side effects of cannabis, and may have genetic factors that make him more vulnerable (for example the documented interaction between the COMT val158met polymorphism and cannabis use increasing schizophrenia risk). Given that ASDs are a group of disorders with similar symptoms, but diverse genetic and environmental origins, we need to fully understand who may be helped, and who may be harmed by cannabinoids, and importantly, which of the 100s of cannabinoids are responsible for the beneficial or harmful effects. For example THC is responsible for the «High», and cannabidiol does not produce psychoactive effects. Many strains of cannabis have high THC and low amounts of cannabidiol. It seems as though cannabidiol antagonizes some of the effects of THC and may provide the anti anxiety and anticonvulsant effect.
    The mounting evidence that cannabinoids like cannabidiol may help intractable epilepsy, or that cannabis can help with PTSD bears clinical investigation. I have a friend who is a veteran with PTSD. She is now living in Canada and feels that it is the only drug that helps her cope with her PTSD. We need more DEA approved/NIH funded research. We need controlled studies with KNOWN amounts of products, identifying potential side effects and who is most vulnerable to experiencing these side effects, and ultimately peer reviewed publications so that the research quality is assessed before publication. How can we have an informed public that knows the risks and benefits to cannabis products, when most people’s view of cannabidiol is based on dramatic videos seen on social media of oil droplets stopping seizures. I am not saying the videos are not compelling to me, they are, but I worry that they are swaying public opinion about the potential medicinal usage of cannabinoids, but with very few research based studies.
    Given that epilepsy is more common in individuals with ASD’s, I fear that parents may start to medicate their children with cannabis oil before we know whether children with ASD are more vulnerable to potentially harmful side effects.

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  12. Have you had a chance to review the CRISPR Cas9 discoveries as they relate to autism? If so, do you feel it has potential as a treatment or cure for autism? I would like to hear your thoughts. Thank you

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  13. Dear Dr. Casanova,
    I’m autistic+adhd, can I ask you some questions? If yes: Are you as well on the spectrum, or suspected to be? What’s your opinion on the difference between primary and secondary autism? Should we keep on calling both of them»autisms»?

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    • Hi Kamil,

      Whatever my wife may say, I am not on the spectrum. My grandson is autistic. He has an NGLY-1 mutation inherited through me.
      There is no primary or secondary autism. The condition is defined by behavioral traits, either you have them or you don’t. People have differentiated idiopathic autism or plain autism from syndromic types according to whether we know of an underlying cause. In the case of my grandson, he would be syndromic. Thanks for asking me.

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  14. Hola Doctor Casanova … puede por favor recomendar a un profesional medico en Espana para tratar/mejorar síntomas de autismo como hablar, interacción etc a mi hijo de 5 años. Gracias

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  15. Dr. Casanova could high density in autistic neurons dendrites be related with an attend to repair a damage in the dendrites structure producing a scar tissue having the consequence of a change in the dendrite density.

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  16. Saludos Dr.Casanova
    Last sunday I founded your 2014 post, El ultrasonido prenatal y el autismo.Five years later I share my comment.
    The noise as an environmental factor that US produce interfere with all the other investigations.Until US examination is cancel in fetus all samples are going to be affected (contaminated) with the US shadow effect.Up to this days results in investigation are scarce because all this noise.Maybe a reverse engineering approach, kind of University of Chicago (2014) study can help rule out or in US as a cause.
    We don’t know the cause but we live with the effect, ASD. Already we have one factor of the cause and effect equation Let isolate US as the possible other factor an see if their is a real cause and effect relation or if it is just a random correlation a mirage.How?.By using the records(I prefer medical records than insurance claims records) of children’s(fetus) exposed to US using FDA guidelines let dissect them and see what autistic records have in common, what non autistic have in common and cross them to pinpoint their differences and similarities.
    I would like to see the University of Puerto Rico Medicine School leading this effort teaming other health organizations and other groups.
    Gracias por su tiempo y atención.

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    • Escribi varios blogs al respecto. Crei que los mismos serian bien recibidos pero tuvieron poca circulacion. Tambien trate de obtener grants para poder hacer la investigacion necesaria, pero el gobieno federal no tuvo ningun interes- pero seguiremos adelante. Muchas gracias por el comentario.

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      • Dear Dr. Casanova,

        I have a 32 month old son, who is not talking, smiles, has eye contact, interacts with us but does turn in circles, eats only what he wants, and knows to show us all the colors, objects, says few words… but I as a mother am very concerned. I was 34 years old when pregnant with him, and I had to have weekly or bi weekly ultrasounds as there was a high risk of miscarriage between 20-28 week of pregnancy. Because we moved to Europe from the US, (we currently live in Cyprus), I am having a hard time dealing with local “early intervention centers” as they won’t give us official diagnosis until he is 3. I just want to know: is there a way I could help my son, help his development, I am desperate… I blame myself because I had severe PPD after he turned 3 months and for a year was in therapy, unable to help my child with his early development and watch him during the most crucial times. Instead my son spent more than 2 hours a day watching cartoons on iPad. I am now well, and I feel like my husband lives in denial telling me there is nothing wrong with our son, when he spins around… etc. I understand you are extremely busy, however your feedback will be highly appreciated.

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      • I am not sure what facilities are available over there. Usually assesments are performed by a multidosciplinary team that includes a Psychiatris or Psychologist and a Developmental Behavioral Pediatrician. Depending on what they find other professionals may be added (e.g., speech therapist. occupational therapist, nutritionist, etc). Talk to your local layman support organization (for autism) and see who they recommend.

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    • ¿Podría yo intentar unir un grupo de auspiciadores directamente con su equipo de trabajo,sin intermediarios y crear un mecanismo de aportaciones que apoye su proyecto de investigación? Mi trabajo, unir recursos con investigadores; mi ganancia adelantar la investigación.Balance inicial cero.

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  17. Saludos.Con la intención de presentar su propuesta de investigación a posibles auspiciadores necesito contar con la mas completa descripción de su hoja de vida profesional al igual que la de sus colaboradores principales.Ademas ya que su universidad formaría parte de su equipo, necesitaría una descripción de la trayectoria, recursos educativos y proyectos de investigación desarrollados.Todo esto para poder comenzar a desarrollar una presentación que despierte en los posibles auspiciadores el deseo de conocerle a usted, su equipo y su investigación.Usaré el mínimo de su tiempo posible para desarrollar mí tarea.Gracias.

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  18. Respetado Doctor Manuel Casanova.
    Ustedes están trabajando con rTMS o EMT para niños autistas desde los 8 años de edad en adelante. con progresos discretos a moderados.
    Yo he venido realizando tratamiento con rTMS o EMT para niños con TEA , desde hace quince años y medio , pero realizo este tipo de tratamiento a niños desde los tres años de edad en adelante y puedo asegurarle que se muestran resultados ; modestos, moderados y en otros resultados muy significativos y sostenidos en el tiempo..
    La Estimulacion Magnética Transcraneal da mejores resultados en autismo si se inicia este tratamiento a edades mas tempranas.

    Por lo anterior, respetuosamente le sugiero que considere inicio de este tratamiento en niños TEA a temprana edad y califique los resultados. .

    Con sentimientos de aprecio

    Luis Carlos Núñez-Lopez
    Neurologo Pediatra.
    Bucaramanga Colombia. .

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    • Gracias por tu comentario. Hemos tratado pacientes individuales desde 4 anos de edad pero no como parte de nuestro ensayo clinico y no en numeros significativos para reportar. Ojala podamos intercambiar notas en un futuro cercano.

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  19. Buen día Doctor, espero se encuentre bien. Lo sigo desde hace varios años dado que tengo una niña ahora de 8 años diagnosticada con autismo desde los 18 meses. Hemos estado con ella trabajando con terapias ecuestres, ocupacionales, lenguaje y psicologia primordialmente, con buenos avances sin embargo no logramos la comunicacion verbal (vamos avanzando con pictogramas) y eliminar las conductas estereotipadas (aplausos y saltos). Recientemente nos llego la recomendacion del metodo Nemechek el cual, como muchos que se anuncian y a precios muy altos, ofrecen la solución. Habrá tenido oportunidad de ver este sistema? Como con otros tratamientos entendería que no son la solución absoluta, y solo me resta preguntarle si esta dieta que marca el programa (inulina, aceite de pescado y aceite de oliva) realmente pudiera ayudar como complemento a las terapias ya comentadas? Muchas gracias

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  20. Dear Dr. Being a dad of an autistic kid of 7 years old with remarkables cognitive skills, I am very interested in cheking the possibility of using TMS with him here where we actually leave: Paris in France. I wonder if you have any indications or references of people working in that direction in Paris or even in France in general?
    I would very much appreciate any help or feedback you could kindly provide to me. Thank you very much in advance. Sincerely.

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    • Congratulations on living in such a lovely city. Unfortunately I have no contacts in Paris, or in France for that matter. TMS is pursued in tertiary hospitals within Departments of Psychiatry. I would review over the internet any major center in your area and see if they offer the services. In the US the government also sponsors a website (clinicaltrials.gov) where all institutionally approved clinical trials must be logged, I would therefore suggest to try to find out if the same thing happens in France. Such sites allow for word search options like TMS and autism. Wishing you and your family luck in this endeavor.

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      • Thank you very much for your prompt response and all potential directions! My kid is actually followed in Paris by a chiro specialized in neurology who worked with Dr Robert Mellilo in a brain balance approach in US. I will also ask him about TMS and share scientific research outcome already published. I wish you all the best. Muchas gracias

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  21. Dear Dr. Casanova, I have diagnosed my son when he was 3 months old and I have EDS he is autistic I have been trying to reach you and your wife but cannot find your emails. Would like to contact. thanks

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  22. Hi Dr, I live in SC and have EDS and autism. The entire right side of my body seems to have ‘dropped’ and I feel I have developed POTS-like symptoms. I can’t find a Dr that would do testing or see me as a whole human, I am being sent to different Drs for each body part that has come out of place, how can I get help? Agustina

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    • Sorry to hear about your problems. My main contacts were within pediatrics which won’t be of great help to you. Greenwod genetics has several outposts in the area that could offer a starting point. I would recommend emailing my wife Emily who is the real expert in the area and see what she can recommend. She is presently teaching at Loyola University. He email is: scienceoveracuppa@gmail.com. Hope it helps

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